Audiusescarbon-fiberreinforced polymer(CFRP) fortherearsection, the centertunnel, the B-pillarandroof. Magnesiumcomponentsin thefloorandahingereinforcementreducesthe weight ofthe vehicle.
Weightreductioncontributionsmadebyceramicdiscs, aluminumcalipers, exhaustsystemusingtitanium, as well as thewheelsofCFRPwithspokes(spokes) aluminum. Whilefiberglass-reinforced polymer (FRP) materialsused asa screwtoreplaceconventional steel.
FrontandrearfasciaLamborghiniAventadorLP720-450°Anniversarioredesignedandoptimizedaerodynamics. Waterintakeandsplitterraisedandadded, as well asa pair ofpetalsmounted onSampung.
The stern of thecarcontrivedcompletely newandlargerdisplaysanddiffuserventsto cool theenginecompartment. He said, aerodynamicsLamborghiniAventadorLP720-450°Anniversariobetter50%.
CatGialloMaggio(May Yellow) LamborghiniAventadorLP720-450°Anniversariochosen for being themostfavoritecolorsinceMiura. Interiorleatherenrichedmaterialcreated specificallyforthisedition.
EveryLamborghiniAventadorLP720-450°Anniversariogiven aproductionnumber, badgeForgedComposite, as well as thelogosof 50 °. Lambowillonlyproduce theLamborghiniAventadorLP720-450°Anniversario100seeds. Regarding the pricejust wait...
AcuraSUVX-prepared for the world market, althoughits developmentis basedinChina. Acura-X ConceptSUVAcurabecamethe firstcarthatdebutedgloballyoutside ofNorth America.
According toAcura, SUV-X designsharpandemotionally. Engine performanceof this car wasnotworth worrying about, will satisfy.
He said,-X SUVwill be environmentally friendly. Also this carwillhave thegreatness ofanSUV.
AcuraSUV-X willproduceinChina. Productionandsaleswill beconductedin thenext 3 years
Fordpromises toshowcase23vehiclesatAutoShanghai2013(April 21 to 29).Numberincluding the All-NewFordMondeo,the All-NewFordFiestaSTandtheFordrace carCTCC.
"We arepleased to befeaturinga number ofgreattechnologyandproductsto the visitorsandourcustomersinChina,"saidDaveSchoch,presidentofFordAsiaPacific.
"TheAll-NewAll-NewMondeoandFiestaST,wedeliver on our promisetobringthe carsmore attractivetocustomers.Wealsoremainon track tointroduce15newmodelsinChinaby 2015."
All-NewMondeowillmake a surprisebecause itwillbethe onlycarinits class to usethe smallestengine,the 1.5 liter.LabeledEcoBoostenginethatclaimed the mosteconomicalamong thecompetitors.
MaseratiGhibliprepareforexecutivebuyerspremium,butwitha more affordable price.Trust,Ghibliwillplay avery important roleforMaseratitoachieve thesales target of50thousandunitsperyear.
HondaCub(motorcycle)was first introducedin 1958.Initial modelonlyhas a capacity of49ccpowered4.5hp.Now,a newvariant ofthe HondaCubConceptCC110Cross.
Mentionedin thehistory of theHondaCubhasproduced60millionunits.Claimedasmotorcyclewheels-two of the mostwidely producedin theworld.Evenmanywho callita legendfor theHondaCubmotorcycleas well as theVWBeetle.
Some timeagofromOsakaMotorShow 2013,the manufacturer's logoFlapintroducedtwoconceptmotorcyclesHondaCubCrossConcept.His face wasreminiscent of theHondaCT110cursoryandST70.
Hondawillshowcasethe productionversionof theHondaand theHondaConceptCConceptSatAutoShanghai2013(April 20 to 29).Both wereonceon display at theBeijingMotorShow 2013.
HondaConceptCis amidsize sedanthatwas developed exclusivelyfor the Chinese market.HondaConceptSis aglobalcarthat was developedespeciallyfor the Chinese market.
Hondaplans to marketHondaHondaSandCinthis yearas well.But,there isspeculation thatthe HondaConceptSwillbe theAll-NewHondaJazz.
Isittrue?To be sureHondaConceptSis designedforthe younger generation.We'llsee ..
BMWX4is aSports ActivityCoupe. BMWX4has a length of4648mm, width1915mm, height1622mmandwheelbase of2810mm.
The design isstill showingkidney-grille,Hofmeisterbending, longbonnetandshortoverhangs. Increasedbody looksathleticwithalloy wheels21".
BMWBMWX4will beproducedat the BMWPlantSpartanburgin theUnited States. The plan isthe productionversion ofthe BMWX4willcome outofthe factoryin early 2014.
For manypeople,when I sawthe morning dewdeemedtocalm the mind.But thingslookdifferent if thedewonthe carheadlamp,itactuallymakestangledthoughts.Eits, do not triggerangry,reallyeasyto eliminate.
"Ifthere isdewon theheadlampis onlyfound onthe sidesis normal,usually becausethe temperaturedifferenceson the outside andthelightsto the extreme.Like whenthe mountains orrainy conditionswithhigh humidity,"
"Ifdewcomes, no need topanic.First openthe hoodandcheckthe weatherfirstholeatthe back ofthe houselights.Usually there areimpurities likedustin theair holes.Butifthere is nomoistureproblemscan be disposed ofthroughholesturn signal,"
Steps weredislodgedturn signalby turningit clockwise."Next,turn on theheadlightsfor 15-30minutes withthe turn signalholeconditionsremained open.Laterdewgoes away by itself,"
youcan addif theprocess can beacceleratedwith the help ofa vacuum cleaner."Put thetip ofthe vacuumcleanerin theholesein, thenmoisturewill disappearmore quickly,"
Besidessein,dusklightscan also beremovedto remove themoisture."But insome cars,the position ofthe holewasa difficulteveninglightreach the hand,sotake offthe turn signalisthe easiest step,"
Eithernew or used cars,both needcarethe same vehicle."One of themis to keepthe paint layeris not dulland faded," He continued,fadingpaintcoatingon the bodycan also beaffected bysun exposure.The firstvery largeinfluenceaffecting the quality ofthe paint surface."But avoidparkingvehicles underdirectsun,ordo not belazy toputin the garageorbasementparkingonly," he explained.
In addition,according toAwie, car ownerscan also domaintenanceby providinga protective coatingof paintat leasttwomonths."The formulacan be founda lotin the aftermarket,"he explained.
Well,as an additional course,for those who havecatsagedteenager,you should avoidwalkingwith your car.Because thecatwas veryactiveatageclimbedinallplaces, includingthe car bodyso thatthe nailscan damagethe outer layerof paint
The first stepis toflushthe entire body ofthe carstarting fromthe verytop to theparts that are notreadily visibleto the eye.Suchpartsgrillesliton thefront of the cardisplay.Spray thatcan fadefasterdust andsandattached to thecar body.
After that,mix thewater witha specialshampoothatcan be found inthe caraftermarketwiththe recommendeddose ofeach oftheshampoomanufacturer.Then input thecorkorspongeinto themixtureand starttheupperbodyand thendownto the bottom,including theglass."Do notforget to clean thebirddroppingsand tree saphardens,"saysRizkyagain.
Now, forthe hardpartslikeslitgrille,bumperandconnecting partscanuse a brushand occasionallysprayedwith water.After that proceedrinsewith waterthat startsfrom the topfirst.Do not forgettorinsethe resultsinstantlydrywith a cloththat easily absorbswater upintothe crevices ofthe cabindoorincludingthe bottom ofthe car door.Do not waittoo longso as not toleaveresidualwater driedgranules
The number ofwindow filmproductsthatflood the marketdoessometimes makeconfused consumers make choices.Prospectivebuyers are alsoincreasinglydifficult tomake choiceswhenfaced with avariety ofspecifications,brand,and price.Especially latelywindow filmtechnologyhas grownby leaps and bounds.
Take for examplethe termIRRejectedorinfraredrejectioncreatedby one of theproducers.This termbecame a trendthatother manufacturersalso helpeduse the termas a marketing strategy.There is anothermovie-basedglassceramicsasthe materialis believedwill notintervene ina waveof GPS(GlobalPositioningSystem),even thoughthe termceramicsusedhere is different fromour understandingin general.
So howto sortglass film."Basicneedsusually determineconsumer choices,"saidAgusskipperGriyaAutoMovie.He continued, do notforget to askthree questionsto theglassstoreyour movies,whether the product isable to resistheat,if this productdoes notblock the view ofthedrive,andisrewardedwarranty?
Entering the rainy season, it helps you to check or inspect the condition of your favorite car wiper. Because the wipers are functioning properly is very helpful when driving in heavy rain at the time. Wiper or rain rakers on the windshield helps the driver of the car while driving in rainy conditions. Wipers are not well maintained will distract the driver. Menguyur rain windshield will affect the driver's distance field. Accidents often occur in the rainy season is due to lazy to check the result of the driver wiper. "Caring
wiper can be done without having to come to the authorized repair
shop." Said Andi Candra, Service Manager Suzuki Car Fatmawati. Checking the windshield wipers only takes 5 minutes. This can be done anytime and anywhere. Here are tips on checking and treating wiper: Check the rubber wiper carefully, when rubber was brittle or cracked should be replaced. Caring rubber wipers to prevent rapid brittle, never cleaned and wiped down the rubber rim. Because there is a layer of rubber on the outskirts of the chemical (Graphite), which serves to keep the elastic rubber. Simply wiping rubber edge wiper with a chamois cloth (Kanebo) wet. Attach the stand to refute when wipers are not used, so that the rubber does not stick to the windshield. Dirt and dust do not stick to the rubber tip. So you do not need to lift the wipers when the car is parked even while driving. Stand wiper you can buy at auto accessory stores with a price range of Rp 50 thousand. Check the wiper crank shaft. Spray the 4wd to launch a movement up and down the wiper when in use. For water wipers do not use after-market products are sold. Because there are acid content which will settle the wiper water tank, it can clog the smooth wiper water spray. Use water mixed with shampoo. In addition to cheap, readily available shampoo. Note also the direction of wiper water spray. Make sure the direction of the spray of water falling on the wipers swept away. If sprays jams, use a pin or safety pin to smooth and adjust the water spray direction.
Notenoughwas asked as alifestyleurbancarand a small carwithbest-in-classconnectivity,AdamOpellaunched theOpelRocks.AdamOpelRocksappear moremuscularandmore aggressivedesign.
With a length of3.7 meters,AdamRocksopened thedoorto anew marketsegment.Based on thesketch, which was launchedlast month,AdamRocksgot an extrawide range ofaccessorieswith aruggeddesignto createa memorableminiSUV.
ADAMROCKSconceptwas createdforthosewhoseekpersonal freedom"hidden".Inspiredby the character ofparkourathletes,this carhas thecharacter ofa higher,wider,stronger.The design isimpressivefirmlysupportedby the structure ofstrikinggrilleand LED lights,this carshowscan not be underestimated.
Oneimportant elementof this conceptis the use ofwheels18 "areveryexpressivedesign.Other key elementsofthe concept ofAdamRockscabrioletroofismade of fabricwith large openingsin the roof-similar to theFiat500C.
This uniqueroofalsohasan important featurethat isa weather application, showntouch screen-driver-informationcenterIntelliLink.The application candetect thechanging weatherlocationsbeingtargetedby AdamRocksand will automaticallyclose the roof.Withall ofthe designand its features, you could sayAdamOpelcaris very 'cool place' (cool).
The concept ofinteriorergonomicsand functionality.Allcontrolsare groupedon the steering wheelanddashboardelegantseparatesthe driver andpassenger.All informationabout the vehicleanddriveshownby themultifunctionLCDmonitorin front ofthe driver
Totalpower and torquethat is released fromthe hybrid system(HY-KERS)is949hpand over 900Nm.The maximumrecordedspeed of350kphwith the transmission ofdual-clutch7-speedDTC,is the applicationof theF1gearbox.